14 Ways to Say No in Spanish for Everyday Use
No in Spanish is simply No. But there is so much nuance in Spanish and many other ways of saying no. Read more to see how to say no in Spanish in 8 different contexts.
Spanish language learning guides and resources.
No in Spanish is simply No. But there is so much nuance in Spanish and many other ways of saying no. Read more to see how to say no in Spanish in 8 different contexts.
Learning how to say how are you feeling in Spanish is a great way to check in on someone you care about if they’re going through a rough time. Here are some ways to say this caring phrase.
There are a lot of ways to respond to como estas besides bien, ¿y tú?. We’ll share some fun alternatives that will help you express yourself and sound like a local.
Learning how to say have a good day in Spanish is a sure way to brighten someone’s day. Here are the most common ways of saying have a good day in Spanish.
Saying sorry in Spanish can be a little more complicated than just lo siento. In Spanish, there are many expressions you can use to apologize. Here are the 6 most common phrases to say sorry in Spanish.
There are a lot of ways to say good luck in Spanish. As in English, some are more formal, some more informal, and some are in between. Here are all the most common ways of saying good luck in Spanish.
Pedir conjugation can be tricky as it’s an irregular verb. We’ve set up easy pedir conjugation tables and listed plenty of example sentences to help you learn Spanish quickly!
While por qué vs porque sound similar, the meanings and how you use them could not be more different. Learn the main differences between por qué vs porque and the 4 porques.
Want to learn how to say good in Spanish? We’ll discuss the differences between bueno, buena, buen, and bien as well as the correct contexts you can use each word.
A quick guide to 100 basic Spanish words — A fast, useful start for building conversation skills. Basic Spanish words used in everyday sentences.