Lyrics to “Dubai Dubai” by Noam Shuster-Eliassi + Translation
Lyrics to the song “Dubai, Dubai” by Israeli comedian Noam Shuster-Eliassi.
All our posts about Arabic language learning, including dialects and MSA.
Lyrics to the song “Dubai, Dubai” by Israeli comedian Noam Shuster-Eliassi.
No in Arabic is simply laa لأ, but saying no isn’t always so clear-cut. Here are different ways to say no in Arabic, and when you can use them depending on the message you want to send.
The Arabic language is full of words with profound meaning. Here are 15 beautiful Arabic words that do not only sound like poetry but have a lyrical meaning behind them as well.
The most common way of saying you’re welcome in Arabic is ‘afwan, but it’s far from the only way! Here are 7 local ways of saying you’re welcome in Arabic!
The appreciation of beauty is something deeply rooted in Arab culture. Whether you’re flirting with someone, complimenting someone’s personality, or pointing out good weather, here’s how to say beautiful in Arabic.
There are so many ways to say I love you in Arabic, and it’s not just reserved for your significant other. Learn about how to say I love you in Arabic in many different dialects and learn some other romantic Arabic phrases!
In Arabic, ahlan wa sahlan means “welcome”. It is one of the warmest ways you can greet someone in Arabic. Learn all about how to respond and other useful ways to use this greeting.
While تصبح على خير tusbih ealaa khayr, is the most common way of saying goodnight in Arabic, there are still many different options, here are 5 different ways of saying good night.
Saying good morning can signal the start to a wonderful day. Here are the most common ways to say good morning in Arabic, when to use it, and how to respond.
Ma salama is one of the most common ways of saying goodbye in Arabic, but there are so many other useful phrases that are more appropriate for certain situations. Here are all the ways to say goodbye in Arabic.