All our guides for travel to distant destinations where you can immerse yourself in language and culture. We write guides to living in those places, learning the languages, and insights into local culture.
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All our posts about everywhere. Go nuts!
(Aboriginal) Australia. Culture, language, history for 60,000 years
Colombia. Dancing, cheap food, and sunshine.
Egypt. Totally underrated for the last 7,000 years.
France. There’s more to it than bread, camembert and wine…
Iran. Just as it was getting cool, COVID-19. But it’ll be cool again!
A.k.a. “That awkward place that’s between Jordan and Egypt and Lebanon”
Jordan. A lot of exploring left to be done.
Kenya. You can run, but you can’t run like they can.
Korea. The fanciest of fancy Asian countries.
Spain. Why can nobody else make good jamón?
Taiwan, “Like Mainland China, but with internet and clean air”
Tanzania. Zanzibar and the mainland; beaches and animals.