English Doesn’t Belong to White People
Judging another country’s English as not perfect is at best ignorant, and at worst, racist.
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Discover more about your world by living in it. Learn foreign languages through immersive study. Master new skills by going to where they do them best. Go to where you feel uncomfortable, until strangers become your friends and you begin to feel at home.
Judging another country’s English as not perfect is at best ignorant, and at worst, racist.
I’m called lao-wai in China. We’re called agaanib in Egypt and wazungu in East Africa. But even those we’re those things, we’re other people, and we’re ourselves.
Did you know that to say “7am” in Zanzibar, you say “one o’clock”? That’s called Swahili Time. It’s just one of many things we learned about living in Zanzibar.
The complicated politics of nation, cultural identity and religion in Israel, Palestine or whatever you want to call “this part of the world”.
Hebrew is thousands of years old and yet has evolved into a language that many use as their primary — or only — language. This is its story.
The story of the Zabaleen – “Garbage People” who have for generations been the informal backbone of Cairo’s waste management.
We learned to speak Egyptian Arabic in 60 days. See the video evidence, read how we did it and what we learned for our future challenges.
The story of how we nearly ended up living on a beachfront paradise in exchange for management skills.
Why we’ll never be truly be local foreigners in Egypt… and that’s OK.
What do you say when the government asks you “What’s your religion”? (This is an archive of our letter of 2 Feb 2019.)