How to Say When in Spanish Like a Pro
Do you want to learn to say “when” in Spanish? You came to the right place!
“When” is one of the most frequently used Spanish adverbs. You may already know that the translation for when in Spanish is cuándo. However, this is not the only option we have! In this article, we are going to see the different ways to say “when” in Spanish, and we will also give you a few examples to practice.
The Most Common Way to Say When in Spanish
How to say “when” in Spanish? Easy: the translation is cuándo . Just like in English, cuándo is an adverb that is used mainly to ask questions about time.
- ¿Cuándo llegarás?
- ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
- ¿Cuándo vamos al cine?
- When will you arrive?
- When is your birthday?
- When are we going to the cinema?
Cuándo can also be used to ask questions with an exclamatory tone or to speak indirectly about questions asked. For example:
- ¡¿Cuándo terminará esto?!
- Le pregunté a Juan cuándo llegaría.
- When will this end?!
- I asked Juan when he would arrive.
A Note on Cuándo vs. Cuando
Surely, you have noticed that cuándo has an accent on the “a”. Don’t forget to add it! This accent is what differentiates it from another very similar word: cuando. But… what’s the difference between cuándo and cuando?
While both cuándo and cuando are adverbs and both mean “when” in Spanish, cuándo is used when asking a question as in the example below:
¿Cuándo volverás?
When will you come back?
When using “when” in a statement, when we want to refer to a particular moment in which something happens, happened or will happen we use cuando.
- Cuando en Sudamérica es de día, en Europa es de noche.
- Cuando llegues a casa, llámame.
- When in South America it is daytime, in Europe it is night.
- When you get home, call me.
Other Ways to Say When in Spanish
Cuándo is the literal translation of “when”, but it is not the only way to ask and talk about time! Here are some other expressions you need to know.
¿En qué momento?
¿En qué momento? literally means “In what moment?”. For example:
- ¿En qué momento llegará Rosa?
- ¿En qué momento del año llueve más en esta región?
- When is Rosa coming?
- At what time of the year does it rain the most in this region?
¿A qué hora?
¿A qué hora? means “At what time?”. When we use this question, we’re asking about a specific time of the day. For example:
- ¿A qué hora nos encontramos?
- ¿A qué hora tienes que ir a clase?
- At what time do we meet?
- What time do you have to go to class?
¿Qué día?
¿Qué día? means “What day?”. When we use this question, we are asking about a particular date:
- ¿Qué día empiezan tus vacaciones?
- ¿Qué días tienes clases de piano?
- What day does your vacation start?
- On which days do you have piano lessons?
¿En qué mes?
¿En qué mes? means “On which month?”
- ¿En qué mes nació tu hijo?
- ¿En qué mes te mudarás?
- On which month was your son born?
- On which month will you move out?
¿En qué año?
Finally, ¿en qué año? means “On which year?” and, of course, this phrase is used to talk about years.
- ¿En qué año viajaste a México?
- ¿En qué año habrá elecciones?
- On which year did you travel to Mexico?
- On which year will there be elections?